
NYC Financial Crime Lawyer

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NYC Financial Crime Attorney

You could receive life-shattering consequences if you face financial crime charges in New York. Federal criminal investigations or prosecution can be incredibly stressful. Being up against the complex New York legal system alone can be too much for anyone to handle.

If you are in the midst of a financial crime investigation or already received charges, our NYC financial crime lawyer can help.

NYC Financial Crime Lawyer

Financial Crimes We Work With in NYC

At the Law Office of Jonathan Savella, we know what is at stake for you. If you receive a financial crime charge, it can be challenging to understand what to do next. When up against the potential life-changing penalties, it can help to know what financial crimes a defense attorney can assist you with. Our team focuses on defending individuals and businesses accused of white collar crimes, including:

Securities Fraud

Actions of embezzlement, insider trading, stock manipulation, and illegal sales or purchases of securities fall under the designation of securities fraud. Our law office can investigate the prosecution’s case by analyzing trading records, communications, and financial documents.

Our challenge to the prosecution’s interpretation of complex financial regulations can sow doubt in the charges against you. We can also identify any inconsistencies or errors in your case and raise defenses like lack of knowledge or intent to defraud.

Investment Fraud

Investment fraud charges can include Ponzi and pyramid schemes and other fraudulent investment activities. If you receive these charges, we can work to uncover the truth regarding the investment scheme and gather evidence to demonstrate your innocence. Whether our defense will be that you were not involved in or unaware of fraudulent activity, we can explore all possibilities of clearing your name.

Mortgage Fraud

If charged with mortgage fraud, you likely have an accusation of fraud for profit or fraud for housing. Fraud for profit is typically committed by industry insiders who use their specialized knowledge to commit the fraud. Insiders may include loan originators, attorneys, mortgage brokers, bank officers, and appraisers. This type of mortgage fraud aims to misuse the mortgage lending process to take unrightfully designated money from homeowners or lenders.

Housing fraud can involve borrowers who want to maintain ownership or acquire a house. In these cases, the accusation is that the borrower performed illegal actions, like misrepresenting income and asset information on their applicable applications or enticing appraisers to change a property’s appraised value.

Mortgage fraud charges, especially within the fraud-for-profit group, can be severe. We can advocate for your rights and investigate what happened. If the charges stem from misunderstandings or clerical errors, we can fight for their dismissal.

Bank Fraud

In simplest terms, bank fraud consists of deceiving a bank to obtain money. In reality, bank fraud can be more intricate. This white-collar crime applies when people intentionally:

  • Defraud financial institutions, or
  • Receive money, properties, assets, or credits while using falsehoods.

Bank fraud can include bank impersonation, identity theft, check fraud, fraudulent loans, counterfeiting, stolen checks, direct deposit fraud, internet fraud, or forgery. For some of these varieties of bank fraud, the U.S. Secret Service is responsible for investigating the accusations.

Due to the severity of the accusation and its potential investigative body, we can assure you that we will thoroughly examine the evidence against you, including witness statements, surveillance footage, bank records, and anything else that will help us with your case.

Money Laundering

Money laundering is a term many people often hear, but they may not be sure what it means. This practice involves disguising sources of funds, typically obtained through illegal activity. People accused of money laundering can seem like they appeared to make criminally-gained money look legitimate so they could use it legally in the financial system. Money laundering can involve complex schemes to evade the law for moving and hiding illegal funds.

These charges can be severe and require significant legal representation. After receiving a money laundering charge, it can be difficult to shake the accusation.

Healthcare Fraud

Healthcare fraud encompasses many actions meant to exploit the healthcare system. These schemes can target various entities, like Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance companies. Some common types of healthcare fraud are:

  • Billing For Services Not Rendered: This action involves a medical professional submitting paperwork to receive payment for services that never occurred.
  • Upcoding: When people upcode, they claim they performed a more expensive service than the one they delivered.
  • Kickbacks: Kickbacks occur when a healthcare provider receives illegal payments in exchange for patient referrals. Typically, they refer patients to certain medical services, facilities, or companies with which they have a relationship.
  • Duplicate Billing: When people submit identical claims to multiple insurance companies to receive payments for a service they completed only once, this is illegal and called duplicate billing.
  • Phantom Billing: This action involves billing for services that never occurred due to the nonexistent medical professional or the patient’s death.
  • Prescription fraud occurs when someone forges prescriptions, prescribes medications for non-medical purposes, or sells prescriptions illegally.
  • Home Healthcare Fraud: Home healthcare fraud requires an individual to bill for home services that no one provided or that were unnecessary.

Healthcare fraud can come with severe penalties. We can assess any allegations against you and fight to protect your reputation in the healthcare field.

Tax Evasion

This action can be willfully failing to report taxes properly or unwilling to pay taxes owed to the government. Tax evasion can involve numerous deceptive practices, such as failing to file tax returns, underreporting income, claiming false deductions or credits, or hiding assets.

Typically, tax evasion accusations stem from the belief that an individual attempted to benefit monetarily from failure to adhere to the government tax process.The offense can lead to significant fines, possible jail time, and civil penalties. When facing a tax evasion charge, it can be wise to consult a skilled NYC financial crimes attorney who understands the legal landscape.

Choosing us means you get access to a team that will negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, smooth out any misunderstandings with legal entities, explore options for resolving tax debt, and fight to minimize any consequences if found guilty.

Identity Theft

Stealing another person’s personal information, such as their name, Social Security number, or date of birth, is illegal and is identity theft. People who do this action typically do so to attempt to commit fraud or other crimes with the stolen information. After stealing someone’s identity, many people might:

  • Open a new credit card and charge a lot of debt.
  • Apply for loans or mortgages.
  • Obtain medical services.
  • File fraudulent tax returns.

Identity theft can be devastating for the victim. People affected by this crime can face significant financial hardship and damage to their credit score. The government takes identity theft seriously, so you need an attorney if you receive an identity theft accusation. Our New York identity theft attorney can help you fight your charges and any identity theft accusations.

Commercial Bribery

Offering or accepting business transaction-related bribes is commercial bribery. Our investigation can focus on uncovering the intent behind any alleged bribes. If necessary, we can negotiate with prosecutors to resolve the case through a non-prosecution agreement or a deferred prosecution agreement to avoid a criminal conviction.

Understanding Financial Charges

Financial crime charges can disrupt your life far beyond the legal system’s reach. When deciding whether to hire an attorney, many people think the cost would be too high, but anyone who has dealt with a financial crime conviction knows that the penalties can far outweigh an attorney’s fee. When you decide if you should retain a New York financial crime attorney’s services, keeping the consequences in mind can be wise.

Legal Consequences

The prosecutors for financial crimes can be very aggressive. These attorneys can pursue the harshest penalties, including debilitating fines, lengthy prison sentences, and court-mandated restitution. Depending on the severity of your charges, you could face a prison sentence and financial hardship that will disrupt your life and any plans.

Reputational Damage

Financial crime charges can severely damage your reputation, primarily if you work in a finance-related industry. News of your charges can spread quickly, affecting your relationships, even if you are innocent. Your standing in your community can erode significantly depending on the charged crime.

Many people can underestimate the effect a reputation issue can have on their lives. The time and effort to rebuild trust and repair your reputation can be long and arduous.

Emotional Toll

The stress of facing criminal charges can be overwhelming. Experiencing feelings of shame, fear, and uncertainty can be entirely new for most people accused of white collar crime. Even after your case is over, the emotional toll on your mental and physical well-being can affect your life for years to come.

Strained Relationships

Criminal charges can strain relationships with loved ones, colleagues, and business partners. Financial crimes can lead to judgment, suspicion, and a loss of trust from those close to you.

At the Law Office of Jonathan Savella, we know how seriously financial crime charges can impact your life. For some people, the effect on how their community views them can feel much worse than the penalties handed down by the court. The chances of saving your reputation and future can come down to having the most assertive representation possible. Our team can give unwavering support to your case.

Benefits of Early Action

Being under investigation is frightening to even the most stoic individuals. Taking decisive action early on can be crucial to protecting your rights. You can seek legal counsel from the Law Office of Jonathan Savella to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. Contacting the firm as soon as possible can ensure you have someone looking out for your interests in the legal system.


How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in NYC?

The cost of a criminal defense lawyer in NYC can vary significantly depending on different factors, like the length of the case, the complexity of evidence or records presented, and the lawyer’s experience.

At the Law Office of Jonathan Savella, we understand cost can significantly affect whether people seek the legal help they need. We can assure you the price of a criminal lawyer in a financial crime case is well worth it when facing the penalties you could receive.

How Do I Report Financial Crime in NYC?

How you report a financial crime in NYC depends on the nature of the crime and the agency under which the crime falls. The crime’s details can fall under the jurisdiction of the New York Police Department, Officer of the New York State Attorney General, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), or Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Given the various options necessary, it can be wise to start with the lowest level of law enforcement to determine how to proceed.

How Do You Fight a Financial Crime Case?

Fighting a financial crime case requires an experienced attorney. These professionals can use a variety of legal strategies to fight your case. Potential approaches include negotiating with prosecutors, challenging the evidence against you, or raising defenses like lack of intent, mistaken identity, or entrapment.

No matter the financial crime case, avoiding attempting to beat it on your own can be wise. The financial crime legal system can be complicated, and people trying to fight without proper representation can worsen their situation.

Who Handles Financial Crimes?

Several professions can handle financial crimes in NYC, including:

  • NYC financial crime lawyers
  • Financial criminal defenders
  • Securities Law attorneys
  • White collar crime attorneys

Our NYC financial crime attorney is here for you if you need help with a financial crime charge. We work with all types of financial crimes, such as securities fraud, mortgage fraud, identity theft, tax violations, etc. If your case involves a federal criminal appeal, Our team can work to fight any financial charge you face in New York.

Help With Your NYC Financial Crime Case

Facing financial crime charges alone is unwise. Taking decisive action against your charges can be your most robust decision in this legal process. The Law Office of Jonathan Savella is ready to help with your financial crime case and get the results you deserve. Contact our NYC financial crime attorney today to discuss your case and how we can assist you.


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